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Seat selection on map [Palau de la Música Catalana | 15.02.2025 - 18:30 | Serena Sáenz & Vespres d'Arnadí] - Palau de la Música Catalana
Serena Sáenz & Vespres d'Arnadí
Serena Sáenz & Vespres d'Arnadí
Special offer
On sale since Saturday, 7 September 2024
Concert HallPalau de la Música Catalana
Serena Sáenz & Vespres d'Arnadí
Saturday, 15 February 2025
Concert HallPalau de la Música Catalana
Concert with subtitles in Catalan.
—Concert dedicated to the patrons and benefactors of the Palau
Serena Sáenz, soprano Vespres d’Arnadí Dani Espasa, harpsichordist and conductor
A. Vivaldi: Symphony from Dorilla in Tempe, RV 709; aria “Sposa son disprezzata” from Bajazet, aria “Alma oppressa” from La Fida Ninfa J. Ph. Rameau: “Air des Incas pour la dévotion du Soleil”, “Adoration du Soleil”, “Air pour les esclaves africains”, “Air pour Borée et la Rose”, Menuet I & II, “Air pour les Sauvages” and Tambourin I & II from Les Indes Galantes, RCT 44 Aria “Rossignols amoureux” from Hyppolyte et Aricie Aria “Aux langueurs d’Apollon” from Platée G. F. Handel: Aria “Tu del ciel ministro eletto” from Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno Concerto Grosso en Sol major, HWV 319 Arias “Piangerò la sorte mia” and “Da tempeste il legno infranto” from Giulio Cesare
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