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Seat selection on map [Palau de la Música Catalana | 16.03.2025 - 10:30 | Big Bang Beethoven] - Palau de la Música Catalana
Big Bang Beethoven
Big Bang Beethoven
Special offer
On sale since Saturday, 7 September 2024
Concert HallPalau de la Música Catalana
Big Bang Beethoven
Sunday, 16 March 2025
Concert HallPalau de la Música Catalana
Explosion and musical revolution (from 6 years old)
Chamber Orchestra Big Bang Beethoven Maria Roca, violin Mireia Vila, violin Irene Arguello, viola Esther Vila, Noemí Pasquina, cello Paco Weht, double bass Isabel Moreno, flute Laura Díaz, oboe Gener Salicrú, clarinet Elena López, bassoon Ramon Figueras, trumpet Eduard Iniesta, strings Paul Perera, piano Jeremy Friedman, percussion
Eduard Iniesta, arrangements and musical direction Enrique Cabrera, choreography direction Gemma Canadell, artistic direction
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